Dr. Contreras specializes in psychotherapy for adults.
Services include:
Dr. Contreras has experience treating many types of psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety, mood instability, and personality disorders. Dr. Contreras' extensive training in trauma enables her to understand and treat the complex effects that can result from adversity. In addition to knowing how to treat the classical symptoms associated with trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, Dr. Contreras can also help individuals regain a lost sense of identity and control. She is well versed in treating the effects of traumatic relationships that may inhibit a person's sense of freedom, agency, and trust in others. Dr. Contreras also has extensive experience working with people diverse in their sexuality, gender, race, ethnicity, and who present with cross-cultural concerns such as struggles to adapt to a new country or context.
Please note that I do not participate in insurance panels. Therefore, individuals with HMO plans will not be able to use their insurance to pay for my services. If you have a PPO plan, your insurance may reimburse you for a portion of my fee. Please inquire with your insurance company to learn about your specific coverage details.
Services include:
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Dr. Contreras has experience treating many types of psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety, mood instability, and personality disorders. Dr. Contreras' extensive training in trauma enables her to understand and treat the complex effects that can result from adversity. In addition to knowing how to treat the classical symptoms associated with trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, Dr. Contreras can also help individuals regain a lost sense of identity and control. She is well versed in treating the effects of traumatic relationships that may inhibit a person's sense of freedom, agency, and trust in others. Dr. Contreras also has extensive experience working with people diverse in their sexuality, gender, race, ethnicity, and who present with cross-cultural concerns such as struggles to adapt to a new country or context.
Please note that I do not participate in insurance panels. Therefore, individuals with HMO plans will not be able to use their insurance to pay for my services. If you have a PPO plan, your insurance may reimburse you for a portion of my fee. Please inquire with your insurance company to learn about your specific coverage details.
875 Massachusetts Avenue, 55B, Cambridge, MA 02139